There is one way to join a Location that someone else at your company has created, ask a Super Administrator in the existing Location to invite you.
A Super Administrator has the rights to invite other users with specific roles in the system. |
The article covers the following topics about Invitations to FLOW
People in your Location
There are different types of people in Locations: Users, and Employees.
Users and people are essentially equivalent terms; it's the broadest definition for all people who use your WorkSight Flow.
WorkSight Flow defines a number of user roles that are key to managing the people who have schedules, time off plans, and timecard; and those who manage them, and the schedules, time off plans, and timecards themselves.
Each user's role is defined when they are added, although you may change a user's role as needed.
The people who work with schedules, time off requests, timecards, play different roles in setting up and managing your workforce management workflow. User roles are Super Administrator, Administrator, and Manager/Supervisor, each with different defined rights which can be modified.
These are the people who appear on the schedules, time off plans, and timecards. Employees don't have access to any of the administrator and manager features of Flow, unless access is granted by a Super Administrator. An Employee can access FLOW via the Mobile application where they can view schedules, submit and track time off and edit their timecards,. These changes re immediately reflected in the desktop application for managerial review, which means that their changes can never be private.
How employees interact with your WorkSight depends first on the modules you've made available to them.
User & Employee Relationship
Users may or may not also be Employees in Flow. e.g. a Scheduler may appear on the schedule themselves, in which case they would be both a user and employee.
Similarly, Employees may or may not be users in Flow e.g. Data may be tracked about an employee but they may not have any system access themselves.
The first person to sign up for an Organization in Flow is deemed a Super Admin, by default. A Super Admin can view and change rights for each role in the Settings>Users screen after an invitee has accepted their invitation. see: Role Permissions
Invite to a location:
Click on the “Invite to Flow” link on the left sidebar
The Invite People to Flow dialog box appears
Enter the email address of the person you want to invite
Choose a Role for the individual you wish to invite
Employee - access to Mobile Application, only
- Clerk
Super Admin
- None
Click on the “Send Invite” button.
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