A Super Administrator has the rights to create or manage Role Permissions in FLOW. (Professional and Enterprise Tiers) |
In WorkSight, Roles contain the permissions granted to a user. (e.g., the right to add/edit Employees, an Area or a Group).
Note: Roles are managed separately from the users. see Managing Users
Default roles contain both security permissions and role workflow for approval of timecards and time off requests.
At the professional and enterprise tiers, the Super Administrator can copy and customize role security permissions. Role Approval workflow permissions cannot be customized.
A change to a role permission updates all users assigned to that role. This keeps all users with the same roles in sync.
This article covers the following topics about Roles:
Default Role Permissions
Roles can be accessed by a Super Administrator or Administrator in Settings>Settings>Roles.
There are six default roles specified in WorkSight. These roles have permissions as noted in the following list:
- None: All permission toggles are turned off. This could be used when a user/employee is temporarily away from work and you want to remove their access to the system.
- Employee: Mobile Access only for the employee's schedule (Plan), timecards (Pay) and Time Off Requests (professional and enterprise tiers).
- Clerk: Access to Plan, Pay, Time Off Request and Reports and permission to edit employees and jobs.
- Manager: Access to Plan, Pay, Time Off Request and Reports and permission to edit employees and add/edit Jobs
- Administrator: Access to all permissions excluding the permission to invite new users or remove them from the system, create or delete roles, organizations or locations and edit locations.
- Super Administrator: has access to all rights and permissions. This includes inviting new users to WorkSight, managing locations, roles and billing.
Super Administrators and Administrators have access to change role permissions.
Permissions available in Settings…Roles
On the Core tab, set role permissions to grant access to the Desktop application.
On the Mobile tab, set role permissions to give an employee-user access to their own schedule, time off requests and timecards from a Mobile device.
Business Rules
On the Business Rules tab, set role permissions to configure overtime rules, timecard export and validations.
On the Batch tab, set role permissions for batching tools to grant access to, create/delete or edit timecard batches, and export them to payroll.
On the Time tab, set role permissions to view and edit the scheduled shifts and employee timecards.
Time Off
On the Time Off tab, set role permissions to create and edit employee Time off Requests and Time Off Balances (accruals).
Report Access
On the Report tab, set permission for the reporting tools and formatting.
A Super Administrator can change permissions on the User tab.
On the Test tab, set permissions to view, edit and delete Timecard Tests.
On the Admin tab, you can set permissions to create, edit and delete configuration data.
On the Job tab, a user can be given the rights to create, delete and edit jobs.
API permissions grant a user access to create and use Web APIs.
Role Options
Click the three-dot (…) icon in the right pane and select from the role options menu
From here you can:
- Delete Role(s)
If you create a role in error or decide it’s unnecessary, you can delete it.Note: You cannot delete any of the system built-in default roles.
To customize a role in WorkSight, an existing role must first be duplicated, and then edited and saved.- Click the three-dot icon from the right pane.
- Select Duplicate Role. A copy of the originally selected role appears
- Edit the code, name and, if applicable, the role's workflow.
- Identify the components on each tab that you want to see in the duplicate.
- Select Save. A confirmation message appears
- View Audit Log
Lists which user and what changes were made to roles permissions
see Audit Logs
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