This articles covers the following topics:
Accessing the User Menu
The User Menu is accessed via the user’s avatar/profile picture.
In the upper-right corner of WorkSight: FLOW, click the avatar/profile photo.
FLOW displays the User drop-down Menu:
User Profile
- Click "View Profile" in the User Profile Menu
The Profile dialog opens. - Fields which can be edited are the Name, Phone # and Add Photo.
To add a photo, we accept the following file types, under 5MB: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP - When a change is made, the Save Button becomes available. Click Save to commit your changes
The settings screen allows a user with admin rights in FLOW to configure and manage data components ( (i.e., People, Area, Group, Occupation, Shift Pattern, Shift Type, Reason). and create and manage business rules used for timecard calculations, validations and exporting data to payroll.
See: Account Settings
Switch Locations
If a user has been invited to multiple locations within an organization, they can switch locations.
See: Switch Locations
Quick Start Guide
When you click "Quick Start Guide" in the User Menu, Zendesk opens to the Quick Start Page in WorkSight FLOW Help.
- Click "Get Help" in the User Menu.
Zendesk opens to WorkSight FLOW Help. - Click on the Module you are seeking help for, and navigate to the appropriate knowledge base page.
Keyboard Shortcuts
When you click "Keyboard Shortcuts" in the User Menu, Zendesk opens to the Keyboards Shortcuts page.
Give Feedback
- Click "Give Feedback" in the User Menu.
Zendesk opens to the Flow - Features Request page. - Click on New Post to create a new feature request.
Toggle Light/Dark Theme
This menu item allows you to toggle between a white background for your schedule to a black background. Choose whichever Theme is easier for you to work with.
Toggle Test Mode
This menu item allows a user with Test mode rights to add or remove the TEST Module tab on the header. When TEST mode is enabled, Batch mode is not available.
- Click "About" in the User Menu
FLOW displays a dialog showing the WorkSight version number. - Clicking on Done will close the “About Flow” dialog.
View Audit Logs
- Click "View Audit Logs" in the User Menu.
The Audit Log dialog opens. - To choose the Audit Log Entry you wish to view, click on the filter icon and select the type:
Types of Audit Logs include: Employee; Employee Timecard, Timecard; Time Off; User, Role. - When all filters have been chosen, click Apply.
The list of changes made within the filter criteria appear in the left hand column. - Choose one to view the details.
See: Audit Logs
- Click "Logout" in the User Menu
- WorkSight will take you back to the "Sign in" Screen
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