A Super Administrator, Administrator or Manager has the rights to add or manage Jobs in FLOW. A Clerk has the rights to edit Jobs in FLOW |
The article covers the following topics:
What is a Job?
A Job is a position to be filled by an employee. A job must be created or exist before an employee can be assigned (hired) into it or scheduled to it on a temporary basis. A job is made up of attributes such as an occupation, shift pattern, effective period, and assigned employee.
Changing the assigned employee or shift pattern for a specified effective range will result in termination of the old job (based on the old properties) and the creation of a new job (based on the new properties).
You can; create new jobs, duplicate an existing job, modify the job effective range, archive a job, unarchive a job or delete a job.
Job names are listed in the main pane. Click any job to load its details load in the right pane.
Create a Job
To add a new job from the Plan>Schedule View:
Select an Area/Group
Click the + Add Job button near the top of the main pane in the Job Schedule tab
The Job Details pane appears in the right pane.
- In the Occupation field - Pick a an occupation from the list or a Add New Occupation - see Creating and managing Occupations
Auto-Create Vacancy for Absence Reasons
Check this option if this job must always be filled when an employee has been placed on an absence. This option can be changed at anytime.
Remove Overlapping Assignments
By default, this option is checked to ensure that an employee does not have overlapping assignments.
If the checkbox is blank (false), overlapping assignments for the employee are allowed.
- In the Effective Start Date field - Adjust the effective start date if needed
- Leave the Effective End Date field blank
In the Shift Pattern field - start typing and pick a shift pattern from the list or press the Add Shift pattern -see: Creating and managing Shift Patterns
- Shift Pattern Offset - Leave this as 0 (can be adjusted later)
- Press Save
The Job has been created and will now be visible in the schedule grid:
Info about Job Fields
Assigned employee
The assigned employee is typically defined as an employee appointed to the position on a permanent basis. However, should the permanent employee be on a long term project or long-term illness the assigned employee would be the replacement employee.
Note about Assigned Employee
Adding a job for an employee already assigned to a job in a different job, removes the employee from the job.
If an Employee’s name is deleted from a job assignment an End date is added to the job and the employee is removed from shifts after the end date
In the Employee Schedule View, if you do not Assign an Employee in the Job Details Pane, the job will not appear in the grid on Save. You can find the Job just created in the Job Schedule Tab.
To assign an employee to a job, either:
Start typing an Employee’s Name. If the Employee already exists, they will appear in the list.
If the employee does not exist, select the Add Employee button, that allows you to create additional employees. For more details, see: Creating and managing Employees
Job Effective Start
An effective start date is the date upon which the job is considered to take effect, which may be a past, present, or future date. This may be different from the date upon which events occur or are recorded. Set a start date to specify when the job will start appearing on schedules.
If the Start date is changed on an existing job, the original job is maintained and with an end date on the day prior to the new start date and a new job is created from the new start date forward.
To add a start date:
Click the Date picker field and either type a date or select it from the Calendar.
Enter a Start Date
Job Effective End
The Job Effective End date is the date on which the job ends and will no longer appear on schedules. If no end date is selected, the job will be on-going. If an end date is added to a job, the original job is ended and a new job is created with the start date specified as the day after the end date
To add an end date:
Click the Date picker field and either type a date or select it from the Calendar.
Enter an End Date
Shift Pattern
A Shift Pattern is the pattern (cycle) of shifts a job operates on. It includes Working days and Days Off. It may be for a full-time, part‑time, or flexi-time worker.
Shift Pattern Offset
The 'Shift Pattern Offset' represents the day of the pattern the employee is starting on. For example, an employee starting on the second week of a two-week cycle would have a day offset of 8.
Once a Shift Pattern has been selected, you must add a Shift Pattern Offset number in the field.
A ‘0’ is an accepted value - that means that the chosen shift pattern should begin on the effective start date entered above.
The shift types associated with the selected Shift Pattern will show in the calendar grid at the bottom of the Job Details pane, starting on the specified Effective Start Date.
Edit, Delete a Job
To edit an existing job in Plan>Schedule View:
Click on the Job name to be edited in the Job column
Job Details for the Job appears in the right pane.
To delete a Job from the Job pane:
Click the three-dot icon from the right pane
Select Delete Job
Job Options
To take action on a task:
Click the three-dot (…) icon in the right pane and select from the job action menu
From here, you can:
Update the Job Effective Range
Duplicate Job
Delete Job
- Add a User Defined Field to the Job
Update the Job Effective Range
Use this option, to modify the end date for a job that is currently open-ended, or to extend or shorten the end date. This option does not create a new job but adjusts the date(s) on the job you are editing.
To update the Job effective date range:
Click the three-dot icon from the right pane
Select Update Job Effective Range
Modify the Job Start and/or End Date
Select Save
Duplicate Job
Use this option to duplicate a job in the current area/group or in a different area/group. Job components can be changed, if desired. This feature is particularly useful when setting up test cases for the Test Tool.
To duplicate a Job:
Click the three-dot icon from the right pane
Select Duplicate Job
Identify the components of the task you want to see in the duplicate
Select Save
Delete Job
If you create a job in error or decide it’s unnecessary, you can delete it.
To delete a Job from the right pane:
Click the three-dot icon from the right pane
Select Delete Job
User Defined Fields
See: Creating and Managing a User Defined Field
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