The Shift Scheduling Tool
The Shift Scheduling Tool can be used to fill a vacancy or to schedule a different employee to a full or partial shift. The Shift Scheduling Tool is available in Job Schedule mode, but not in Employee Schedule mode.
The article covers the following topics:
To Access the Shift Scheduling Tool
Use a Scheduling Rule to find and schedule a Replacement Employee
To Access the Shift Scheduling Tool
Click on the Shift Cell with a Vacancy or Job you wish to fill
In Shift Details, click on the Scheduling tab (magnifying glass icon)
The Right Pane will display the Shift Scheduling tool -
By default, the full shift is selected. If desired, click on a row to select a partial shift.
Employee Quick Search
If you know the name of the Employee(s) that you want to schedule, type their name(s) in the Employee Quick Search field.
Change the number of days displayed in the candidate list by choosing a different duration (1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks). For example, if you choose a two week duration, the date of the select shift appears with one week prior to and one week following the date.
Select the employee from the list and click the Schedule Employee button. A message will appear in the bottom right corner, confirming that the Employee was Scheduled successfully. The Schedule grid will update to show the name of the replacement Employee.
Use a Scheduling Rule to find and schedule a Replacement Employee
To find an employee to schedule, choose an existing rule from the list displayed in the Scheduling Rule box, or use the Add Scheduling Rule feature to narrow down the list of potential candidates for the job.
Scheduling Tool Filters, Sorts, Naming and Save options are included in the Scheduling Rule Dialog.
To Create a Scheduling Rule
Add Scheduling Rule can be found in the:
- More Options Menu
- Schedule Rule dropdown
The Add Scheduling Rule Dialog appears:
Schedule Rule Name
The schedule rule name is the name that will appear in the Schedule Rile list when the rule is saved. It can be left blank if users want to test or see a temporary list.
The sort tool contains Employee name as well as any defined UDFs. e.g.,
Use the sort tool to sort the candidate's list:
The first time you click on the data type, it will sort ascending
The second time you click on the data type, it will sort descending
The third time you click on the data type, it will clear the sort
There are two types of filters which can be used to narrow down candidates to fill a vacancy, Shift filters and Job Filters.
A Scheduling Rule must have at least one inclusion filter.
To define Filter(s):
Multiple property filters can be specified by clicking on +Add Filter.
Since filters specified are an AND join, all filter values must be matched for a value to be returned. (see Filter Options below)
Each time the +Add filter is clicked, a new filter option line is added to the dialog:
Filter options consists of three components:
Property: the list of fields available to filter on.
Comparative - the matching criteria e.g., equal to (=); not equal to (!=); between, etc.
Value - Enter the matching values to filter on
e.g., date with between comparative:
- The Property chosen may alter the list of comparatives and matching value fields that are displayed.
e.g., If the Shift Filter Property selected is Effective, the comparatives change to intersects and not intersects, and the lower and upper effective date range fields are displayed. - If you want a filter to work for employees with no timecards for the day (e.g., a day off), use a Job Group filter instead of a Shift Group filter. The Shift Group filter forces the employees to have timecards for the selected day in order to show up in the search and an employee on a day off will not typically have a timecard for that day..
Filter Example
1. Employee Qualified
2. Employee Qualified, Not the Same Shift, Not Absent or Meeting
To Apply Filters in the Dialog
Once the filters have been specified, click on the Reload Schedule button.
The results are displayed in the Candidate Employees List for you to review.
Candidate Employees List
Change the number of days displayed in the candidate list by choosing a different duration (1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks). For example, if you choose a two week duration, the date of the select shift appears with one week prior to and one week following the date.
The Candidate Employees List shows the availability for the Employee for the selected time period.
- A Yellow cell indicates an employee working any time that day
- A Green cell indicates the employee is not working during the selected time and is available
- A Red cell indicated that the employee working intersecting times or is absent on the day selected
Select the employee from the list and Click the Schedule Employee button. A message will appear in the bottom right corner, confirming that the Employee was Scheduled successfully. The Schedule grid will update to show the name of the replacement Employee.
Save Rule
Once your filters/sorts are set, you have the option to save them as a rule for reuse later.
- Add a name in Schedule Rule Name and click Save.
On Save, the Filter and Sort applied to the grid are saved and the name of the rule is added to the Scheduling Rule list. A message will appear in the bottom right corner, confirming that the Rule was saved successfully.
To Apply a Saved Rule
To reuse a saved rule, find the name of the rule in the Scheduling Rule box, and press enter.
The rule is applied to the Candidate List.
Rename Rule
If you need to rename an existing rule:
In the Scheduling Rule dropdown list, click on the pencil next to the rule you wish to rename.
The dialog box appears. - Enter a new name and Click Save.
Delete a Rule
If you need to delete an existing rule:
In the Scheduling Rule dropdown list, click on the pencil next to the rule you wish to delete.
The dialog box appears. - Click on the More Options button and choose Delete Scheduling Rule
- A success toast message appears
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