Super Admin, Admin, Manager, Clerk roles have the have the rights to manage shifts |
What is a Shift?
A Shift is an employee’s scheduled period of work.
A Job must be created before a Shift can be created. Shifts can be created with or without adding a Shift Pattern to a Job. Shifts can also be created without specifying a Shift Type.
The Shift Details allow you to add or change the beginning, middle, or end of a shift or a shift segment to a different reason (worked or absence) and changes made will automatically update the intersecting shift details with the new start/end times/employee/reason. In the Shift Editor, times and units round to 4 decimals.
Some Shift features are only available when viewing the Job Schedule, and not in the Employee Schedule view.
The article covers the following topics to add or manage a Shift:
Other Tabs visible from Shift Details Pane
Shift Details Pane
Shift Details Tab
In the Details tab, you can:
Verify the Area. Group. Occupation and Date
Add additional Shifts
Scroll between multiple shifts added using the arrow buttons
- Specify an existing Shift Type to populate the detail line(s) below
- Display the grid in Breakdown Mode
Choose to Show or Hide Break reason lines
Enter or change Start/End times, units, reason and employee
Save the Shift or Undo the changes made
- From the top More Options (…) icon, you can take actions on the Shift (see Shift Detail Options below)
To Manage a Shift
In Plan Mode, select the Area/Group for the schedule where you wish to manage a shift
To Create a Shift in a blank shift cell for a job
Click in a blank cell for a Job under the Date column in the Schedule grid
Choose a Shift Type from the dropdown list. (optional)
The Grid will populate with the specific details of the Shift Type
Select and type values in the Start Time End Time, Units and the Reason fields to create a shift without a shift type
To create/add a shift to an existing shift
Additional Shifts may be added to any shift cell
Click any Shift cell in the Schedule grid
Click the Add Shift button in the Shift Detail pane
A blank Shift Pane appears
The number of shifts is incremented at the top of the pane (e.g. 2/2)
The left arrow is activated to allow you to review the first shift created
To Edit/Manage an existing Shift:
Shift fields can be found and modified from the right pane. Click any Shift cell in the Schedule grid to reveal its details in the right pane.
Click in a populated cell for a Job under the Date column in the Schedule grid
- Change the Shift Type, and /or
- Make any applicable changes in the Grid
- Enter/change the start/end time, units, reason or employee
Schedule an employee to a portion of the shift
Add additional times, units, reasons, and employees to the new (blank) record rows at the top or bottom of the grid.
- Press Save, Flow saves the changes and a confirmation message appears. The updated details are displayed in the Schedule Grid.
Intersecting times will be resolved, taking into consideration details added to new record rows
If Auto-Create Vacancy has been specified and the new reason is an absence code, a new line for the vacancy (without an employee) will be created in the grid. This vacancy can be resolved by selecting another employee on that row.
To Delete all existing Shifts:
Select an existing shift from the schedule grid:
- Press the delete key on the keyboard; all shifts within the schedule cell will be deleted
- From the Shift Details Pane select the more options icon (...)
- Select Delete Shift; all shifts within the schedule cell will be deleted
To Delete one shift where there are multiple shifts within the Shift Cell:
Select the shift cell from the schedule grid
- Use the arrow keys in the Shift Details pane to navigate to the shift you want
- Select the More Options (...) beside the Add Shift Button, select remove shift
- Press Save, Flow saves the changes and a confirmation message appears
Other Fields displayed on the Shift Details pane
Shift Type
The user may complete the detail line without a Shift Type or choose an available Shift Type in the drop-down from the Shift Types available.
Start typing a Shift Type Name, select the shift type from the list..
FLOW will automatically populate the fields shift details with the values from the Shift Type selected.
Current and Expected values:
These fields are system generated. The Current field shows the total scheduled units in the shift; Expected displays the number/units defined as Worked hours in the shift.
On New or Add Shift, these fields are initially shown as 0.0.
Until an Employee is scheduled to all worked lines/activities in the Shift, the Current value will be displayed in red.
When an employee has been added to the details in the shift, and the Shift Saved, the Current value will reflect the number of scheduled units.
Show Breakdown Mode
Breakdown Mode can be used to maintain times and units when breaking a segment of a timecard into smaller time increments to reflect, for example Reason changes, or adding Work Orders or Account Codes. Please note: Work Order or Account Code changes are only displayed in the Timecard, not in Shift Details.
The Shift's original break is maintained.
When in Breakdown Mode, a field in the line (other than times/units) must be changed or the details will be rolled back into one line.
Show Breaks
If the Shift contains any reasons specified as an unpaid break code (e.g., lunch, coffee, etc.), click on Show Breaks to display them in the grid.
Shift Detail Options
After selecting a populated shift, click the More Options (…) Menu at the top of the right pane.
The Shift Details options menu appears:
From here, you can:
Duplicate Shift(s) - Job Schedule
Click the three-dot icon at the top of the right pane
Select Duplicate Shift(s)
Identify the components (# of Duplicates, Earned Date, Employee (optional) and Reason (Optional)) you want to see in the duplicate shifts
Select Save.
A toast message appears that the Shift was duplicated x times. The Duplicated shift(s) appear the Shift Details Right pane and in the Shift Cell in the schedule
Delete Shift(s)
If you create a shift in error or decide it’s unnecessary, you can delete it from the More Options menu at the top of the pane. If the Shift cell contains multiple instances of shifts, they will all be deleted. If there are multiple shifts, and you wish to delete just one Shift, please See the More Options - Remove Shift steps above.
- Select Delete Shift(s) from the More Options (...) Menu
When the Confirm Shift Deletion message appears, click Yes, a confirmation message is displayed
Reset to Default - Job Schedule
- Choose Reset to Default from the More Options (...) menu.
When the Confirm Reset to Default dialog appears, click Yes.
A confirmation message appears. -
The Shift will revert changes made and will reset to the originally scheduled details, with the exception of absence reasons.
Undo Absence
This action is only available if there is an Absence code specified as a shift reason.
If there is more than one shift in the cell, use the scrolling arrows in the Shift Details pane to find the shift with the absence code you want to undo.
- Choose Undo Absence from the More Options (...) Menu
When the Confirm Shift Undo Absences dialog appears, click Yes.
A confirmation message appears. -
The vacancy remains in the Shift Cell because the employee booked the time off.
To completely remove the absence code, select Reset to Default from the More Options menu.
Add Comment
- Choose Add Comment from the More Options (...) Menu.
- Add the Comment in the Comment field
- Choose a Message Level for the Comment
- Info
- Success
- Warning
- Error
- Select Save.
A confirmation message appears.
View Audit Log
See Audit Logs
Other Tabs visible from Shift Details Pane
There are three other Tabs in the Job Schedule>Shift Details Pane, and three in the Employee Schedule>Shift Details pane:
- Time Off
Scheduling Tool (only in Job Schedule)
Employees Tab
This tab displays a list of the employees scheduled for the shift selected. The user can click on an employee name to view Employee Details in a pop-up window.
Time Off Tab
This tab allows users to review and change the status of a TOR for the day selected directly from Shift Details in the job schedule and employee schedule. When TORs are cancelled or set back to requested in this tab, users will have to switch to the Time Off Calendar/List to continue updating the request.
Scheduling Tab (in Job Schedule only)
The scheduling tab facilitates the selection of employees to fill vacancies or find replacements for the selected shift. For more information on the Scheduling Tool, See Schedule Replacement Finder
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