Plan - Working with Schedules & Time Off
- How do I add newly hired employees into the system?
- How do I change a long-term Job’s Operational Schedule?
- How do I Terminate an Employee?
- How do I schedule employees for training?
- How can I schedule a meeting or other activities for partial shifts?
- How do I invite multiple employees to a meeting?
- How do I add Multiple shifts to one job?
- How do I add multiple employees to a shift?
- When I call the crew in for an early start, how do I change the start time for shift(s)?
- When I need the crew to stay late, how do I change the end time for shift(s)?
- I need to hold a day shift employee over to cover the first portion of the afternoon shift and schedule the night shift to come in to cover the last portion of the afternoon shift. How do I represent this in the schedule?
- How do I schedule an employee to cover last-minute vacancy?
- How do I find a replacement employee for a vacancy?
- How do I Schedule an employee to work on their days off?
- How do I Schedule employees to work on their days off in the same job?
- How do I adjust the schedule for a Holiday when employees are not working?
- How do I schedule a Holiday when employees are working?
- How do I reassign an employee to a non-operational job?
- How do I record an absence for a part of a shift, at the end or the beginning of the shift?
- How do I record an absence for multiple reasons?
- How do I record an absence for the entire shift?
- How do I record vacation or another type of absence for a week?
- How do I update the schedule when an employee leaves on a long-term absence?
- How do I update the schedule when an employee returns from a long-term absence?
- How do I note a crew change in the schedule (i.e., employees reassigned to fill long term absence)?
- How do I manage Leave of Absence scenarios using the Time Off Request Feature?