Search is used to find data within the schedule The user will need to type value(s) in the search field.
To perform a search in Plan, use the Search box in the Main Pane header.
To Search in Plan
In the Search box in the Main Pane header, enter the string texts of data, such as Employee Name, Occupation, Shift Pattern, Shift Type, Reason, or overtime reason that you wish to search for, In an Advanced Search, Area and Group may also be specified in the search box.
Press Enter.
When the user presses enter while in the search box, WS displays the results in the Schedule Grid in the data display order described below. -
The results are displayed in the Main Pane.
Display Order for Search Results
There is an order of precedence when searching for various data strings which determines how the results are displayed in the Schedule Grid once the search is complete. This order is shown in the table below.
Order of Precedence |
Data Component |
1a |
employee |
1b |
occupation |
2a |
Shift Pattern |
2b |
Shift Type |
3 |
reason (worked, absent, break) |
4a |
group |
4b |
area |
4c |
overtime reason |
Search Example
Type in employee name and a Portion of a Shift Type i.e. Donna 8hr and press enter
WS displays the Employee Donna's schedule and any other schedules with the word 8hr in the Shift Type
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