There are two types of Timecards that can be created in WorkSight FLOW:
Timecards generated from scheduled shifts in PLAN
Ad Hoc Timecards for employees without a scheduled shift
Timecards generated from Scheduled Shifts
Initial timecard data is automatically generated based on the employee’s scheduled shifts in the PLAN module. If a schedule for the selected date range has been generated/viewed in the PLAN module, the timecard will be created and available in the PAY module.
Ad Hoc Timecards
Ad Hoc timecards can be created for employees without a scheduled shift.
See Creating an Ad Hoc Timecard
Edit a Timecard
All input fields support tooltips and will show their value (or as in the case of Occupation, a custom string) when the mouse hovers over them. The occupation tool tip consists of the Code and Name of the Occupation, its Shift Pattern, the Assigned Employee Name if specified, and a Qualified check box.
Change timecard details
Almost all timecard details can be changed if required. The only details that cannot be changed are those that are calculated by WorkSight FLOW, or those that are added through the timecard rules.
Click on the row in the Timecard Summary section that corresponds with the date that you want to view/edit timecard details for. Individual timecard activities can be added, edited, or deleted in Timecard Details.
The following Timecard detail fields can be edited:
Shift Type
Times or Units
Reason Codes
Edit Group
To edit/change the Group:
In the Daily Timecard, click in the Group field that you want to edit
Click on the X by the existing group to remove it, then type in a few characters of the new Group you wish to use. The list is sorted in alpha order based on what is typed. Select the new value from the list.
The occupation field blanks out to allow you to choose an occupation in the group selected.
See the steps below.
Edit Occupation
The Occupation drop-down field is next to the Group field in the Daily Timecard. Occupations are constrained to existing occupations for jobs configured in the chosen Group. When a different occupation in a group is selected on a day or portion of the day, the employee appears scheduled in that group/job for the day/time selected.
To edit/change the Occupation:
In the Daily Timecard, click in the Occupation field that you want to edit
Click on the X by the existing occupation to remove it, the dropdown is populated with Occupations in the Group you have selected. When characters are typed in the search box, the found matches alpha sort to the top of the list.
Select a new value from the list.
When a different Job with the same Occupation is chosen, the Save button is Enabled. -
Press Enter or click the pencil icon at the left of the timecard row to accept the changes and activate the Save button
Click the Save button to save the changes
Edit Shift Type
Selecting a shift type on the timecard details populates the start/end times and reason(s) defined for one or multiple rows within the shift type. Users can select multiple shift types on a timecard. If there is an existing entry on the timecard, WorkSight FLOW replaces any intersecting timecard detail with the new Shift Type times and reasons; any existing non- intersecting timecard portions remain on the timecard. The occupation, rate, factor, or account code fields are not changed.
To edit/change the Shift Type:
In the Daily Timecard, click in the Shift type field that you want to edit
Click on the X by the existing shift type to remove it, the dropdown is populated with all available Shift Types. When characters are typed in the search box, the found matches alpha sort to the top of the list.
Select a new value from the list.
Press Enter or click the pencil icon at the left of the timecard row to accept the changes and activate the Save button
Click the Save button to save the changes
Note: When both Occupation and Shift Type are changed in a timecard, WorkSight FLOW keeps the values the user entered and both the Timecard and Schedule are updated accordingly.
Edit Times or Units
To edit/change the times or units:
In the Daily Timecard, click in the Time or Unit field that you want to edit
Enter the new value
Changing the start time will automatically update the units
Changing the end time will automatically update the units
Changing the units will automatically update the end time
Press Enter or click the pencil icon at the left of the timecard row to accept the changes and activate the Save button
Click the save button to save the changes
Note: Rounding is disabled on the Units field. When start/end times are adjusted, the units update accordingly. If units are entered or changed with decimals, times update fractionally, showing up to 4 decimal places. Hovering a mouse over a start or end time with decimals displayed shows the actual time in a tooltip.
Edit Rates
Rates can be edited on the timecard, but if there is a rate rule set up for the timecard conditions, the new rate will be overwritten by the rules after the timecard is saved.
To edit/change the Rates:
Click on the row in the Timecard Summary section that corresponds with the date that you want to edit timecard details for
In the Daily Timecard, click in the rate field for the timecard item that you want to change
Enter the new value
Press Enter or click the pencil icon at the left of the timecard row to accept the changes and activate the Save button
Click the save button to save the changes
Edit Reason Codes
To edit/change the Reason Codes:
Click on the row in the Timecard Summary section that corresponds with the date that you want to edit timecard details for
In the Daily Timecard, click in the reason field on the row that you want to edit
Enter the new reason code
Press Enter or click the pencil icon at the left of the timecard row to accept the changes and activate the Save button
Click the save button to save the changes
Edit Tags
Users can select a list of available values that are configured on the timecard rule table.
Edit User Defined Fields (UDFs)
If there are UDFs attached to the timecard, clicking on the Show UDFs checkbox will display them.
UDFs can be edited, as required.
Add a Timecard Activity
A user has the ability to add a timecard activity that is different than the basic timecard details, such as changing details for a portion of the day (i.e. reason, occupation, or additional time worked for a different shift type).
To add a timecard activity:
Click on the row in the Timecard Summary section that corresponds with the date for which you want to add a timecard activity
In the Daily Timecard, click on the New Blank Record Row
Fill in the applicable fields with the new activity details
Press Enter or click the pencil icon at the left of the timecard row to accept the changes and activate the Save button
Click the save button to save the changes
The activity that was entered will be merged into the existing timecard record
Units only Timecards
A Units only timecard can be added to any existing timecard in Timecard Details as a timecard activity, without it being in a planned shift. A Units only timecard can also be created as an Ad-Hoc stand-alone timecard.
Units only entries will sort to the bottom of the timecard (i.e. not sort within timecard details with in/out times or premiums)
Note: Units only does not currently support timecard rule application (future enhancement)
Copy Timecard
In the timecard roll up grid a daily timecard row can be copied (CTRL+C/CTRL+V) from one date to another date.
Click on the row in the Timecard Summary section that corresponds with the date that you want to copy timecard details for
- Press CTRL+C
- Click on the row in the Timecard Summary section that corresponds with the date that you want to copy timecard details to
- Press CTRL+V
The timecard details are populated in the Summary -
Click Save to save your changes
Delete Timecard Details
WorkSight FLOW allows a user to delete certain details, one item at a time.
Click on the row in the Timecard Summary section that corresponds with the date that you want to edit timecard details for
In the Daily Timecard grid, click on the delete icon (trash can) in the left column of the row(s) for the item(s) that you want to delete
Click Save to save your changes
Apply Timecard Rules
Automatic Application
If timecard rules have been configured in your WorkSight FLOW environment, they will automatically apply when a timecard is generated or after a change is made and the timecard is saved.
When opening timecards, WorkSight FLOW will check if the rules have been edited since the last time the timecards had been edited. If a change is detected the rules will rerun for the given employee(s) for the entire week.
Manual Application
A user can click the run rules button located at the top right of the Timecard Summary grid to trigger the rules to apply to a timecard.
Timecard Actions
To access Timecard Actions, click the More Options Menu (…) In the top right corner of the Daily Timecard grid
More Options for a Timecard include:
Add Comment
UDFs (User Defined Fields)
- View Timecard Audit Log
- View Timecard Status Audit Log
Add Comment
'Add Comment' will attach a comment to the shift. Comments added to a timecard are displayed in both the Schedule and the Timecard screens.
From the More Options menu, choose Add Comment
The Add Comment dialog box appears. -
Add the Comment in the Comment field
Choose a Message Level for the Comment
Select Save.
A toast message appears that the Comment has been added to the shift.
Messages are displayed on both the schedule and the corresponding timecards. -
The error count on the Employee Name in the left column is updated, and the message appears as an icon tooltip and a message in the Timecard and in the Shift Details pane in the schedule.
Add UDFs
User-Defined Fields (UDFs) can be added to a timecard to include details such as work orders or comments to an employee’s time entry record. Once a UDF has been created in timecards, it will be visible in the Daily Timecard grid.
From the More Options Menu (…), choose UDFs.
For more details, see Creating and Managing a User Defined Field (UDF)
Delete Timecard
‘Delete’ will delete all shift & timecard details for the selected day. If an employee's timecard has been created with multiple shifts in the scheduler, deleting the timecard from the Daily Timecard successfully deletes the pertinent shift(s).
Click on the row in the Timecard Summary section that corresponds with the date that you want to delete timecard details for
In the Daily Timecard, click the more options button and select Delete
Click Save to delete the timecard.
A message will appear that the timecard has been successfully saved.
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