The PAY Module contains tools to view, edit, and approve individual employee timecards as well as the ability to view a summary of timecard data for a group of employees.
Relationship Between PAY & PLAN
Initial timecard data is automatically generated based on the employee’s scheduled shifts in the PLAN module. If a schedule for the selected date range has been generated/viewed in the PLAN module, the timecard will be created and available in the PAY module.
A user can navigate seamlessly between the PLAN & PAY modules, maintaining all of the selected data filters and date ranges.
When shift details are changed in the PAY module, the changes will automatically flow through to the PAY module, and vice-versa.
To Access the PAY Module
To access the PAY Module in WorkSight FLOW, click on the PAY tab in the Header.
The data that is displayed will be limited to the Area & Group or custom Shared View that is selected in the left pane, or the specific selections in the Filters or Advanced View options.
The PAY Module contains 2 modes;
Timecard Mode
Summary Mode
When the mode toggle is set to Timecard, the main pane will show a list of employees on the left. Clicking on an employee’s name will load their timecard(s) in the right side of the Main Pane for the date range selected.
Timecard Screen Components:
Employee List – All of the employees who have timecards in the selected Area/Group or Custom Shared View and an add new timecard button
Timecard Header – Date & date range tool, employee name, timecard approval states, filter view options, and timecard action buttons (run rules, undo, save)
Timecard Summary – Summary of timecard data for the selected date range. Data is read-only in this section
Daily Timecard – Show all details for the date selected in the Timecard Header, batch status, and timecard approval states; Daily timecard grid with current and expected hours totals; toggles to display the timecard in Condensed view or Breakdown mode or to show or not show Premiums, Other Payments, Breaks, and UDF fields; more options menu.
Other Payments – Payments that are not directly related to worked time
Timecard Messages – Exception and Validation messages
View an Employee’s Daily Timecard
The Daily Timecard section of an employee’s timecard will appear when a row is selected in the Timecard Summary grid.
Other features accessible in the Timecard view include:
Toggles to display a Condensed Timecard, Breakdown Mode, or to Show Premiums, Breaks, UDFs
Ghost Rows
Deleting individual rows on an Employee’s timecard
Condensed Timecard
A User has the option to show a full daily timecard or a condensed timecard via a toggle in the Daily Timecard Editor.
The Condensed Timecard columns are Shift Type, Start Time, End Time, Units, Reason. Users can select the option as their default timecard editor.
The Condensed timecard mode is disabled when there is no default group / occupation.
Breakdown Mode
A User has the option to use Breakdown Mode to maintain times and units when breaking a segment of a timecard into a smaller portion, for example, when recording Work Orders for a specific portion of the day. The remaining times/units are displayed in a new line in the details. When in Breakdown Mode, a field in the line (other than times/units) must be changed, e.g., a new reason or work order, or the details will be rolled back into one line.
Show Premiums, Breaks, UDFs
A User has the option to show or hide certain details of an employee’s daily timecard (whether condensed or not) such as premiums, breaks, and user-defined fields (UDFs)
To show or hide these timecard items, click the applicable checkbox above the Daily Timecard grid. When the checkbox is toggled “on”, rows for those items will appear in the daily timecard grid. When the checkbox is toggled “off”, rows for those items will be hidden from view in the daily timecard grid.
All of the 'show' options are greyed out (disabled) when there are changes that have not yet been committed via the edit pencil button.
Note: If 'Show Breaks' is toggled off, the values in the Group, Shift Type, and Occupation columns for break rows are automatically updated when the top row in the daily timecard grid is updated.
Ghost Row
The ghost row (where a missing shift portion appears without a reason and is dimmed to represent the missing portion) sorts in time sequence with the other non-premium rows.
Deleting Rows on Employee Timecard
The Trash Can at the far left of a detail row can be used to delete any row (a portion of a shift) in the timecard editor. If all detail rows are deleted, the Timecard is deleted.
View Employee Details
To view Employee Details when in Timecard Mode, click on the Employee Name in the Timecard Header.
Employee details and their time off balances appear in a dialog box and may be edited.
For more details, see: Creating and managing Employees
Summary Mode
The purpose of the summary mode is to give a high-level overview of the timecard items within a group. When the mode toggle is set to Summary, the main pane shows a list of the employees who have timecards in the selected Area & Group or Custom Shared View with the error count, total hours per reason code/factor combination, and gross earnings for the selected date range.
Clicking on an employee name in the Employee column of the Summary grid will open the Timecard mode with the timecard for the selected employee displayed.
Summary Screen Components:
Employee List – All of the employees who have timecards in the selected Area/Group or Custom Shared View
Summary Header – Date & date range selector tool, Filter, Grouping, and more options menu
Timecard Summary – Summary of timecard data for each employee in the selected Area/Group or Custom Shared View and date range, and the Grand Totals for all columns at the very end.
Grouping Results and Grand Totals in Summary View
When the results are not grouped, Grand Totals are displayed on the last page in the Summary view. When the results are grouped, Grand Totals are displayed on the last row for each grouping.
At each change of date, duration of view, filtering, grouping, or area/group, the summary totals reset to 0 and are recalculated based on the options chosen.
The Group By icon in the Main Pane Toolbar is colored when a grouping selection has been made. You can still move between groups when a grouping has been selected.
When Group By 'Shift Pattern' is used in this view, Other Payments made to an employee will be displayed in a separate group called "None". To see all payment details for an employee in one line, remove Group By Shift Pattern.
The page control at the bottom of the page is hardcoded to show 5 Groups per page.
View a Timecard from the Summary Screen
A user can navigate between the Summary and Timecard screen to view more detailed information about an employee’s timecard. By clicking on the employee’s name in the Summary table’s Employee column, WorkSight FLOW will open Timecard Mode with the selected employee’s timecard in view.
To navigate back to the summary view, simply click on the Summary Mode tab at the top of the screen.
Filtering in the Timecard and Timecard Summary screens
In addition to the standard filter options that you will see throughout WorkSight FLOW, the PAY module has a few additional timecard-specific filtering options. These include:
Message Level Filter
Timecards In Batch Filter
Timecard Status Filter
Filter for Message Levels
A ‘Message Level’ filter is available on the timecard/timecard summary screens. Values are Info, Success, Warning, and Error. This filter allows a user to search for timecards containing the selected Message Level type(s).
Filter for Timecards In a Batch
An ‘In Batch’ filter is available on the timecard/timecard summary screens. Values are Yes and No. This filter allows a user to search for timecards that are either in a batch (Yes) or not in a batch (No)
Filter for Timecard Status
A ‘Timecard Status’ filter is available on the timecard/timecard summary screens. Values are None, Signed Off, Approved, and Accepted. This filter allows a user to search for timecards that are in the selected Status(es).
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