The Testing Tool allows a designated user to create test timecards for test employees to confirm that subsequent changes to the Rules tables have not impacted previous test scenarios.
Timecard Rules for the location need to be defined to return results in the Testing Tool.
Test Data
By creating test data, you are ensuring that there is no impact to the production schedules or timecard/payroll calculations.
It is important to separate test timecards from production timecards, so Test Areas/Groups/Jobs assigned to Test Employees need to be created prior to creating the tests. Existing Occupations/Shift Patterns/Shift Types/Reasons can be used for the Test Jobs/Shifts created. This task can be easily accomplished by creating test areas(s)/group(s), using the Duplicate Job function to save a duplicated existing job in a test area/group, and assigning a test employee to the job.
Test Employees have the isPaid indicator in Employee Details set to false, so these employees will not be displayed on reports or exported to payroll.
After a test is run, you can see whether the timecard is passing or failing. Calculated timecard results are compared against expected results to flag inconsistencies.
This page describes the steps required to effectively use the Testing Tool.
Checklist of steps needed to create a test:
Create Timecard Rules see Timecard Rules
Create Test Employees
In Settings, see Creating and Managing Employee Information in Settings
In Plan, see: Creating and managing Employees
In Plan:
Create Test Areas/Groups
Select an existing job to use for the test and duplicate it into a test area/group
(In Job details pane, choose More Options>Duplicate Job) -
Assign Test Employees (isPaid set to False) to jobs with shift patterns/shift types.
In Pay:
Ensure timecards have been generated for the Assigned/Scheduled test employees
Edit/Update any pertinent timecards in the Daily Timecard Editor see: Managing a Timecard
Ensure Rules have correctly calculated the timecards
In Test:
Create/Add the Timecard Test (see below)
Update the Test to populate the expected and calculated results fields.
To Access the Testing Tool
To access the TEST Module in WorkSight, click on the TEST tab in the Header. If you do not see TEST in the header, go to the User menu and click Toggle Test Mode. Test will appear.
The data that is displayed will be limited to the Area & Group or custom Shared View that is selected in the left pane, or the specific selections in the Filters or Advanced View options.
For more information on the Testing Tool modes, see Test Timecard Overview
To Create/Add a Timecard Test
Tests are created from test employee timecards originally created in PAY.
In the Test Summary Module:
Click on the +Add Test button in the header.
The Add Timecard Test dialog appears
Complete the fields in the dialog:
Test Description - pertinent information about the test being run with this timecard
Employee - Choose the Test Employee from the dropdown list whose timecard represents the employee schedule/timecard details needed for this test. Only Test Employees will appear in the Employee dropdown.
Effective Start - choose the date of the timecard of the chosen employee.
Effective End - populated based on the choice of employee timecard/start date - automatically set to 7 days after Effective Start Date
Code - If applicable, enter a code for the test
Tags - enter any tags which will assist in filtering tests in the future
Click Save.
The details from the Employee Timecard in Pay are reflected in the testing tool.
When a test is first created the timecard test status in the test timecard list initially shows as a failure (red) until the test is updated in the Testing Tool and the expected results, the calculated results are generated.
To Update a Test
Update test is used to update the test with any changes made to the Test Description or Tags, any changes made to the timecard or the rules, to reflect the most current timecard values in the expected and calculated results. This will set the difference between the two values to zero.
In the Test Summary Module, click
WS updates the expected results to match the calculated timecard.
To Edit a Test Timecard
A Timecard can be edited in the Pay>Timecard module or in Test>Edit Timecard. There is only one timecard being updated, so the changes will be reflected in both modules.
In Test, click on the Edit Timecard Button.
The Timecard appears in the main pane
For full details on Editing timecards, please refer to: Managing a Timecard
To Run Tests
When timecard rule configuration is changed, the users will rerun the tests to see if the change(s) violate any existing passing test cases. When rules apply and the test does not match the expected results the Timecard Test Status is set to error.
In the Test Summary Module, Run Tests is separated into two options:
Run All Tests: To run all the tests in the Test Timecard List, click
Run selected test: To run to test highlighted in the Test Timecard List, click
After tests are run, the user will review the test to ensure the results are what is expected. If the timecard results are correct, Update test will turn the test into a pass (see above).
To Delete a Test
In the Test Summary Module:
Select a timecard test in the Employee List.
The timecard details are shown in the Main Pane -
Click on the Delete Test button
The Confirm Timecard Test Deletion message appears
Click Yes
A toast message will appear that the Timecard Test has been successfully deleted.
The timecard test no longer appears in the Employee List.
Filtering Timecard Tests
The Test Timecards List can be filtered to display only specific tests.
To filter for specific tests:
Click the Filter icon
The Filter by dialog appears:
Enter any of the properties you wish to filter the tests by. Timecard Tests can be filtered by:
Job Properties
Shift Patters
Other Properties
Timecard Test Status (ok or error)
Effective Start and Effective End dates
Last Ran After date
Click on Apply.
The Test Timecard List will display the results of the filter.
An indicator that filters have been applied appears in the toolbar.Sorting Timecard Tests
Timecard tests can be sorted by Employee name or Employee Code.
- Click the Sort Icon
- From the dropdown list, click on Employee or Employee Code.
- One click will sort ascending
- A second click will sort descending
- Click again to turn off the sort feature
The employee list on the left will be sorted accordingly.
- Click the Sort Icon
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