[Menus and Sub-Menus] Format and color change
Active sub-menus are now displayed in gold/yellow sentence case text with a gold/yellow underline.
In Plan there are four sub-menus: Job Schedule, Employee Schedule, Time Off Calendar, Time Off List -
[Settings>People] Save Button resolves after adding UDF reference field.
After adding a new UDF to an object in Settings, the Save button commits the change and is immediately disabled after a save. -
[Settings] UDF Reference Field for Area
UDF fields of type reference with allowable values of "Areas" correctly returns Area values.
[Schedule - Job Pane] Duplicate Job to a different Area/Group
Selection boxes for Area and Group have been added to Duplicate Job. This allows a user to copy the job from one group to a new group and supports the test tool where a user can duplicate existing area/group jobs without having to re-set them up in a Test Group. -
[Schedule - Add Shift Type] New Shift Type appears in Shift Pattern dialog without a refresh
A newly created Shift Type now appears in the Shift Pattern Dialog immediately upon creation, with successful filtering for it to use in a Shift Pattern. -
[Schedule Grid] View a week's schedule at 90% or 100% at 1920 x 1080 display resolution
A full week's worth of shifts will now be visible when editing shifts in Job mode if the left pane is collapsed, and in Employee mode if the left pane is collapsed and the job column is hidden. -
[Schedule - Shift Details] Vacancy issue for unpaid break
If two employees are assigned to a shift with a break between them, the break vacancy remains in the Shift Cell. In Shift Details, clicking twice on the trash can on the break line to remove it, then clicking Save will remove the Vacancy from the Shift Cell. -
[Scheduling Tool] Back filters for Area/Group/Occupation
Back filters for Area/Group/Occupation have been added to the scheduling tool for ease of use. -
[Scheduling Tool] Back filters Qualification (UDF Filter)
The selected occupation is, by default, loaded as in the Qualification field. This will allow users to add other parameters to the schedule rule without having to select an occupation each time they open the scheduling tool. -
[Time Off Request] Status change - Save Button disabled
After changing status on a time off request, the successful toast message appears and the Save button under it is immediately disabled
[Timecard and Timecard Summary] Filter for Message Levels
Message filters have been added to the Employee Timecard List and Timecard Summary for ”Filter by” Info, Success, Warning, and Error messages. -
[Timecard and Timecard Summary] Filter for Timecards In a Batch
In Batch filter has been added to timecard/timecard summary screens. Values are Yes and No. -
[Timecard Validation] Employee with no Assignments
We have added a new Error level Timecard Validation Rule with a message displayed on Timecard: “Employee does not have an assignment” -
[Timecard Editor] New Field: Tags
New field add to the timecard editor “Tags”. Users can select a list of available values that are configured on the timecard rule table. -
[Timecard Validation Rule] Employee does not have an assignment
We have added a new validation rule that checks if the employee has an assignment. If there is no assignment for the employee the validation will create a message with an error level. The message is displayed on the Employee Timecard. -
[Timecard Rules] New expressions for Premium Rules
We added two new expression for premium rules:-
The expression hoursWorked()>=7 will apply the premium after 7 hours have been worked.
The expression scheduledToShiftOn(shiftType,dayOfWeek) allows the rule to differentiate between shift types within a shift pattern
[Timecard Rules] Include no values for Overtimes Codes “empty”
Allow Hours Earned types to specify a combination of overtime reasons and no overtime reason
Hours Earned types can now include just select overtime codes in addition to no overtime code. -
[Timecard Rules] New Rule Category Invaded Rest
A new ‘Invaded Rest Rule table has been added to the Timecard Rules.-
If the value entered into the ‘Minimum Rest’ column is less than 24 (value = minimum hours of rest), WorkSight will consider the rule a Daily Rest Rule will apply the Invaded Rest Overtime for the full invaded day, and will continue to apply to every consecutive day until the minimum hours of rest have been recorded.
If the value entered into the ‘Minimum Rest’ column is greater than 24, WorkSight will consider the rule a Weekly Rest Rule and will apply the Invaded Rest Overtime for the invaded portion of hours only.
[Timecard Rules] New columns
The Account code rule tables can now reference Timecard Fields including User Defined Fields to update a specified segment of an account code. UDF values when configured as a combination of account code and tag will update the segment.
All timecard rule tables have a new column for Tags.
[Timecard] Units-only timecards
Factor stays at 1.0 for units only timecards
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