Validation Rules can be configured in WorkSight FLOW to display pertinent error messages and warnings on Shifts for Assigned and Scheduled Employees, and on Employee Timecards.
This page covers the processes for a FLOW user to configure the Validation Rules. It includes a description of the function of each rule table as well as step-by-step guidance for configuration.
Validation Rules inform the user of the occurrence of scheduling and timekeeping errors in the Schedule or the Timecard..
Accessing the Validation Rules
Click on the User Avatar in the Top Bar to access the User Menu
Use the mouse to select Settings – once clicked, the Setting Menu will open in the Left Sidebar
In the Settings Menu, locate the Business Rules header and select Validations – the Validation Rules configuration screen will open in the main pane with a list of the rule tables on the left. Clicking the name of a rule table will open the table in the main view.
Validations Tables
There are three Validations Tables in FLOW:
Assignment Validations
Timecard Validations
Shift Validations
One table row is considered one rule. For some rules, conditions can be configured in the right hand pane.
Message Levels
The level of the message is pre-populated for each message, but can be changed by the Super Administrator. There are four message levels: Error, Warning, Info, and Success.
Message levels can be filtered in the Schedule by clicking on the message icon in the Main Pane Toolbar to facilitate the search for, and correction of, any errors. Alternatively, you can filter by Message Level in the 'Filter By' dialog in the Plan, Pay, or Report module.
Error messages are Red
Warning messages are Yellow
Info messages are Blue
Success messages are Green
Validation Table Rules
Assignment Validation Rules
Employee is assigned a job but not qualified
Employee is assigned a job but is no longer active
Employee has overlapping job assignments
Time off request cannot be generated because the employee is not assigned a job
Timecard Validation Rules
Employee is working a shift which should be paid but isn't
- Employee is working overlapping shifts
Employee is working for less than their assigned rate
Employee is working an occupation which is not defined within the group
Employee doesn't have a job assignment
Shift Validation Rules
Employee is scheduled to overlapping shifts
Employee is scheduled on their day off
Employee scheduled but not qualified
Employee scheduled but no longer active
Employee is not scheduled but should be
Employee has worked more than 16 hours within a 24 hour period from start of first shift scheduled in the day
Employee has worked more than 16 consecutive hours
Employee is working less than scheduled number of hours
Employee is scheduled to a reason that should be recorded using a time off request
Employee is scheduled to a shift which overlaps a time off request
To Configure a Validation Rule:
Click on the User Menu in the upper Right Hand corner of the application and choose Settings.
The Settings Navigation Panel opens. -
Choose Validations.
The Validation Screen is displayed -
Click on the type of Validation rule you wish to configure.
The Table appears in the main pane -
Click on the +Add Validation Rule button.
The Validation rule set for the type of Validation opens. -
Click on the dropdown in the Validation Rule Field.
The dropdown list appears.Choose the Rule you wish to add and click on Add Validation Rule
The validation rule is added to the Validation Rule Table
Additional fields may be associated with the rule. These will be shown in the Right panel. Using the example of the “Employee is assigned a job but not qualified” validation rule, the addional fields are:
Level: The Level of the message to be displayed can be changed by the Super Administrator in the Level dropdown.
Qualification: Select the name of the User Defined Field from the employee profile that is used for matching the qualification(s) of the employee to the Job Occupation. If one is not set up yet, it will need to be added before this particular validation rule can be configured.
Hours Earned: An Hours Earned Type may also be added to this rule for more specificity. The rule will only apply if the employee’s shift is using a reason code that is included in the Hours Earned type selected in the rule.
Save the Validation rule in the Right Hand Pane to commit the row
A toast confirmation message will appear in the right hand corner of the screen
Each Validation Rule needed must be added separately to their respective Validation Rule table.
Note: this is a one-time configuration cycle for a Super Admin.
To Delete a Validation Rule
In the Validation Table, click on the rule you wish to delete.
The Validation Rule is displayed in the Right Hand Pane -
In the Right Hand pane, open the More Options menu, choose Delete Rule
The rule is removed from the grid and a toast confirmation message will appear in the bottom right hand corner.
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