This page covers the processes for a WorkSight FLOW user to configure the Timecard Rules. It includes a description of the function of each rule table as well as step-by-step guidance for configuration.
Timecard Rules reduce the occurrence of manual timekeeping errors, enforcing consistency across all timecards.
Accessing the Timecard Rules
Click on the User Avatar in the Top Bar to access the User Menu
Use the mouse to select Settings – once clicked, the Setting Menu will open in the Left Sidebar
In the Settings Menu, locate the Business Rules header and select Timecards – the Timecard Rules configuration screen will open in the main pane with a list of the rule tables on the left. Clicking the name of a rule table will open the table in the main view.
Timecard Rule Tables
All rule tables have a bold vertical line separating the left-side columns from the right-side columns.
The columns on the left side of the bold vertical line are referred to as Matching Columns. These columns are where you define the timecard eligibility conditions that determine if the rule should or should not apply to a timecard.
The columns on the right side of the bold vertical line are referred to as the Result Columns. These columns are where you define the action that occurs as a result of a timecard matching the columns on the left.
One table row is considered one rule. Rules will match a timecard based on the specificity of the matching conditions. Only one rule per Category will be selected to apply to a timecard. A row with more specific conditions will be selected to apply over a row with more generic conditions. For example, the first row below is more specific because it has the most conditions. That is the row that will be selected for processing first. If it fails FLOW will try to match the second.
Hours Earned Definitions
The Hours Earned table allows a user to group related reason codes into Categories, also referred to as Hours Earned Types. These Categories are used within the Timecard Rules to determine which hours from an employee’s timecard will be considered during rule application. For example, if you create a category Worked Time and included within that category the reason codes Regular, Meeting and Training then all time in total worked for these three reasons will be considered for calculating overtime.
Add an Hours Earned Category:
Click in the empty row at the bottom of the Category column in the Hours Earned table
Start typing the name of the Category that you wish to configure and, if it exists, select it from the list.
If it does not exist, click on the Add Hours Earned button
The Add New Hours Earned Type dialog appears:
Complete the fields:
Name of the category
Code for the category
Add any applicable Tags
Click Save or press Enter
FLOW closes the dialog and a message will appear in the bottom right corner confirming that the Category was created successfully:The new Category will now be available for selection
In the corresponding field under the Reason column, start typing the name of each Work code that you wish to include in the Hours Earned Category. You may select as many Work Codes as you want in this field.
In the corresponding field under the Overtime Reason column, start typing the name of each Overtime code that you wish to include in the Hours Earned Category. You may select as many or as few as one Overtime Codes in this field.
When the Category configuration is complete, click the Save button at the top right of the table.
Tip: To select all available values within a cell, simply enter an asterisk ‘*’ in the field.
Straight Time Hours is defined as any time at Regular, Call In, Training with no Overtime
Stat Hours is defined at Off for Stat, Regular with any (or no) Overtime
Weekly Hours is defined as any time at Regular, Stat Pay with Overtime of Day Off OT, Sunday Overtime or no overtime
Holiday Definitions
The Holiday Table is where a user will configure the dates of public holidays that are observed by the organization.
FLOW contains a pre-defined list of relevant Public Holidays, based on the organization’s location settings.
Define a Holiday
Click in the empty row at the bottom of the Holiday Table
In the Matching Columns, select the timecard variables that the Holiday that you are defining should apply to.
For help with configuring the Day of Week and Expression columns, see Expressions
For help with including matching columns for User Defined Fields, see Adding UDF Columns (below) -
Observed On – If your organization, or certain employee groups within you’re your organization, observes a holiday on a different day than it would naturally occur, you can define what day it should be observed on
sameDayAsHoliday() – Observe the holiday on the actual date
nearest(‘dayOfWeek’) – Observe the holiday on the specified day of the week that is closest to the actual holiday day. Example: nearest(‘Friday’)
following(‘dayOfWeek’) – Observe the holiday on the specified day of the week that occurs after the actual holiday day. Example: following(‘Friday’)
nearestWhen(‘dayOfWeek’,[dayOfWeek,dayOfWeek …]) – Observe the holiday on the specified day of the week if it falls on any of the days in the list.. Example: nearestWhen('Monday',['Saturday','Sunday'])
preceding(‘dayOfWeek’) – Observe the holiday on the specified day of the week that occurs before the actual holiday day. Example: preceding(‘Friday’)
Holiday - Select the name of the Holiday that is being defined
When the configuration is complete, click the Save button at the top right of the table.
Minimum Amount Rules
The Minimum Amounts Table allows a user to define a minimum number of hours that an employee is entitled to, either daily and/or weekly. If the employee reports for their shift and works less than the entitled minimum amount, the rule will apply a top-up to the timecard to bring it up to their minimum entitlement.
Add a Minimum Amount
Click in the empty row at the bottom of the Minimum Amounts Table
Create a Category name for the rule by typing the name. If a category already exists you can select it from the list. Some examples of categories are;
Daily Minimum – define a minimum amount to apply per day
Weekly Minimum – define a minimum amount to apply per week
Call In Minimum – define a minimum amount to apply for an unscheduled call
In the Matching Columns, select the timecard variables that the rule that you are setting up should apply to.
For help with configuring the Day of Week and Expression columns, see Expressions
For help with including matching columns for User Defined Fields, see Adding UDF Columns (below) -
Configure the resulting action in the Results Columns:
Hours Earned – Select an Hours Earned Category that contains all of the pay codes that will contribute to the hours that count towards the premium application
Daily/Weekly – Select whether this rule will apply on a daily or weekly basis
Minimum Amount – Enter the minimum number of hours that the employee is entitled to receive
Factor – Enter the rate factor that the premium will be paid at
Reason – Enter the reason code that will appear on the timecard for the top-up amount
When the configuration is complete, click the Save button at the top right of the table. In the example below, if the employee works less than 1 hour at Call In, they will receive a Minimum Call payment to bring them up to 2 hours.
Overtime Rules
The Overtime table allows a user to define the hours-earned amount limits where the rate factor will change and an overtime code will apply.
Different overtime limits can be configured for different employee groups by specifying the matching conditions in the columns on the left side of the bolded vertical line in the table.
The right side of the bolded vertical line in the table is where you will define the limits, factors, and reason codes that will apply for the timecards that match the conditions selected in the corresponding row on the left side of the table.
Adding an asterisk ‘*’ into a field means that you want to select all variables within that field.
Add an Overtime Limit
Click in the empty row at the bottom of the Overtime Table
Create a Category name for the rule by typing the name. If a category already exists you can select it from the list. Some examples of overtime categories are;
Daily OT – define a daily overtime limit
Weekly OT – define a weekly overtime limit
Day Off OT – define the overtime that will apply when an employee works on their day off
Holiday OT – define an overtime limit specifically for holidays
Note: The table may have multiple rows per category with different matching conditions specified to differentiate them
In the Matching Columns, select the timecard variables that the rule that you are setting up should apply to.
For help with configuring the Day of Week and Expression columns, see Expressions
For help with including matching columns for User Defined Fields, see see Adding UDF Columns (below) -
Configure the resulting action in the Results Columns:
Hours Earned – Select an Hours Earned Category that contains all of the pay codes that will contribute to the hours that count towards the overtime limits
Daily/Weekly – Select whether this rule will collect hours and apply on a daily or weekly basis
Straight Time – Enter the rate factor that should apply to the hours earned prior to hitting the first limit
1st Limit – Enter the number of hours that must be worked before receiving the first rate factor increase
1st Factor – Enter the rate factor that will apply after the worked hours surpass the 1st limit
2nd Limit – Enter the number of hours that must be worked before receiving the second rate factor increase
2nd Factor – Enter the rate factor that will apply after the worked hours surpass the 2nd limit
3rd Limit – Enter the number of hours that must be worked before receiving the third rate factor increase
3rd Factor – Enter the rate factor that will apply after the worked hours surpass the 3rd Limit
Apply To – By default, all overtime will apply at the end of the effective timecard range (either daily or weekly)
Reason - Enter the reason that will update the Shift Reason when the conditions are met
OT Reason – Enter the reason that will apply the overtime code after the worked hours surpass the limit
When the configuration is complete, click the Save button at the top right of the table.
Some examples:
Daily Overtime – No conditions, 1.5x after 8 hours, 2x after 11 hours.
Graveyard OT – Must work area Production, Area Planer, and Shift Type GD. 1.5x applied to all hours between 23:00 on the previous day (-1) and start of the current day (0).
Premium Rules
The Premium Table allows a user to define additional payments that are added to a timecard that are related to time worked, but not a part of regular worked hours.
Add a Premium Payment
Click in the empty row at the bottom of the Premium Table
Create a Category name for the rule by typing the name. If a category already exists you can select it from the list. Some examples of Premium categories are;
First Aid – define conditions for applying First Aid premium
Lead Hand – define conditions for applying Lead Hand premium
Shift Differential – define conditions for applying Shift Differential premium
In the Matching Columns, select the timecard variables that the rule that you are setting up should apply to.
For help with configuring the Day of Week and Expression columns, see Expressions
For help with including matching columns for User Defined Fields, see Adding UDF Columns (below) -
Configure the resulting action in the Results Columns:
Hours Earned – Select an Hours Earned Category that contains all of the pay codes that will contribute to the hours that count towards the premium application
1st Limit – Enter the number of hours that must be worked before receiving the premium
1st Factor – Enter the rate factor that the premium will be paid at
Apply To – Define how the premium will apply to the timecard
hourForHour() – Applies the premium for the same amount of hours as there are worked hours
minUpToMax(min,max) – Sets a minimum and a maximum amount of hours for the premium to apply for
hoursBetween(start,end) – Applies the premium to hours between a specified time range
hourForHourAsRatio() – the premium is paid as a ratio of the hours worked
Reason – Enter the Premium reason code that will apply for the premium payment
When the configuration is complete, click the Save button at the top right of the table.
Some examples:
For every hour at the Overtime Hours Earned category at 2x, an hour of Banked DT is awarded
When worked the Bereavement Hours Earned category (no matter how many hrs) 8 hours of Bereavement pay is awarded
For every hour worked at Straight Time Hours, they would get 1.77 units of the Shift Premium
Scale Rates
The Scale Rates table allows a user to define the minimum straight time hourly rates of pay for a given job classification.
Define a Scale Rate
Click in the empty row at the bottom of the Rate Table
In the Matching Columns, select the timecard variables that the Rate that you are setting up should apply to.
For help with configuring the Day of Week and Expression columns, see Expressions
For help with including matching columns for User Defined Fields, see Adding UDF Columns (below) -
Rate – Define the straight time hourly scale rate that should apply to a timecard item when the selected matching job criteria is met
Ends On – the date that the rate expires
When the configuration is complete, click the Save button at the top right of the table.
Notice in the following example there are two rates set up for the operator. If the current date was earlier than 2021-06-30 both of the rates could be considered active, however FLOW will automatically use the rate with the earlier end date. This allows you to predefine all of the rates in a 5 year contract for example.
Rate Rules
The Rate Rules Table allows a user to define different rates that will apply for different timecard scenarios, such as unit rates for a certain reason codes, or to pay the greater or lesser rate for an employee’s scheduled vs. assigned job.
Create a Rate Rule
Click in the empty row at the bottom of the Rate Table
In the Matching Columns, select the timecard variables that the Rate that you are setting up should apply to.
For help with configuring the Day of Week and Expression columns, see Expressions
For help with including matching columns for User Defined Fields, see Adding UDF Columns (below) -
Rule – Define the rate rule that should apply to a timecard item when the selected matching criteria is met. The options are:
- averageRateLastXDays(days,decimals) (defaults to 2 decimals)
a specific number value such as .40 or 0
When the configuration is complete, click the Save button at the top right of the table.
Account Code Rules
The Account Codes Table allows a user to define cost codes based on data that is present in a timecard. Account Codes can be configured using segments to create a concatenated account code string based on values present in the timecard.
Add an Account Code
Click in the empty row at the bottom of the Account Code Rules Table
Assign a Segment value to the code that you are configuring. The Segment value must have a natural order (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 or a, b, c, d). The account code will concatenate values based on the segment order.
In the Matching Columns, select the timecard variables that the rule that you are setting up should apply to.
For help with configuring the Day of Week and Expression columns, see Expressions
For help with including matching columns for User Defined Fields, see see Adding UDF Columns (below) -
Configure the resulting action in the Results Columns:
Code – Define the account code value to that will apply to the matching timecard
Description – optionally, give the account code segment a description
When the configuration is complete, click the Save button at the top right of the table.
Adding UDF Columns
UDF Columns allow a user to define rules based on the presence of values found in User Defined Fields in an employee profile; such as skills, tickets or certificates.
Note: User Defined Fields must be configured before they can be added as a column to a rule table.
To add a UDF column to a rule table;
Click on the + Add Column button in the top right corner of any applicable rule table
Select the UDF column(s) that you wish to use
Clicking on the name of the UDF field in the list will add it as a column to the table
The column in the table will contain all of the configured values for that UDF
In the column in the rule table, select the applicable values for the rule you are configuring and save the changes
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