When the mode toggle is set to Summary, the main pane will show a Batch Summary in the top grid and a Timecard Summary in the bottom grid.
Batch Summary
In this grid, a user can see the batch name, code, batch status, export status, effective range, the date the batch was created, the user who created the batch, the number of timecards contained within the batch and the gross dollar amount for all of the timecards contained in the batch. Above the grid are the Batch Action and Export Action buttons as well as the paging, filtering, and more options menu.
Clicking on a batch name in the Name column will open the PAY Module/TIMECARD Mode, displaying all the timecards contained within the selected batch.
Clicking on a row in the Batch Summary (in any column except the Name column) will open the Timecard Summary for the selected batch in the bottom Timecard Summary grid.
Timecard Summary
The Timecard Summary will show the error count, total hours per reason code/factor combination, gross earnings for all timecards contained within the selected batch, and total timecard Other Payments amounts.
Clicking on an employee’s name in the Name column will open the PAY Module/Timecard Mode with the selected employee’s timecard displayed.
Batch Options
Actions which can be taken on a batch are:
- Accept a Batch
- Delete a Batch
- Filter for a specific batch in the Batch Summary
- Export a Batch: Download and Regenerate an Export File: see Exporting a Batch
Accept a Batch
Accepting a batch indicates that the batch has been accepted by payroll and imported successfully into the destination payroll application. When a batch is Accepted, the Batch Status changes from Closed to Exported.
Navigate to BATCH Module > SUMMARY Mode
In the Batch Summary (top grid), find the batch that you want to accept
Click on the row in the Batch Summary (in any column except the Name column)
Click the Accept button
A confirmation dialog will appear, confirming that you wish to accept the batch
Click YES
Delete a Batch
Deletes the batch in FLOW. If there are timecards in a deleted batch, the timecards contained within that batch will be released and become unbatched and may recalculate. Deleting a batch cannot be undone. A batch can be deleted in Closed or Exported status.
Navigate to BATCH Module > SUMMARY Mode
In the Batch Summary (top grid), find the batch that you want to delete
Click on the row in the Batch Summary (in any column except the Name column)
Click on the More Options menu (...) and choose Delete Batch
A confirmation dialog will appear, confirming that you wish to delete the batch
Click YES
Note: It is NOT recommended to delete a batch in FLOW after it has been imported into your payroll system as the timecards may recalculate, which will result in unsynchronized records.
Filter for a Specific Batch in the Batch Summary
To filter the batch list in the BATCH Module>SUMMARY Mode for a specific batch;
Click the filter button in the Header
From the drop-down list, select the name of the batch that you want to view
Click the APPLY button
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