Time Off Types
Time off types represent the categories of time off employees are allowed to take. For example, you can set up a time off type for sick time, vacation time, personal leave, or jury duty. Accruals can be added to Time-off types for each employee. Available balances are tracked in dollars and/or hours.
When booking time off for an employee, you select the date and time off reason (i.e. pay code) for the absence. If the reason indicates a withdrawal from a time-off type, FLOW checks the employee’s time off balances to ensure sufficient time is available.
Access employee time off type balance details
The employee time off type summary displays information for each time-off type an employee is eligible for. Available balances are displayed in dollars and/or hours, as well as future approved hours.
To access employee Time Off Balances in Plan
From the Plan module, select an assigned employee
Select the Bank Icon on the right pane
To access employee Time Off Balances in Settings
Click your profile photo
In the drop-down menu, select “Settings”. FLOW loads the Settings Page
In the People setting, select an assigned employee and click on the pencil (edit) button to access employee details
Select the Bank Icon on the right pane
View and Manage Employee time-off type balances details
All time-off fields can be found and modified from the right pane. Click any time off type on the Time Off Balances Table to reveal its details, below, in the Transaction Details table.
In the Time Off Balances Table you can:
Specify the As Of date you want to check balances for
Select the Time Off Type to display Transaction Details in the lower Transaction Details table
Time Off Balance Table Fields:
Time Off Type
Earned (Hours/Dollars)
Hours Used (Hours/Dollars)
Hours Planned (Hours/Dollars)
Available (Hours/Dollars)
Requested/On Hold (Hours/Dollars)
In the Time Off Transaction Details Tables you can:
Add an Accrual
- Edit an existing Accrual
View Transaction Details associated with the time-off type selected in the Time Off Balances Table
View the Request History associated with the time-off type selected in the Time Off Balances Table
To Add an Accrual:
Select the Add Accrual… button
Specify or Change the Employee if needed
Select the Time Off Type
Select the Start Date of the Accrual
Select the End Date of the Accrual
Specify the Number of units (hours) being accrued
Specify the Amount (dollars) being accrued
Select the Save button.
To Edit an existing Accrual
- In the Transaction Details Table, click on the Effective Range Hyperlink
The Editing Accrual dialog appears - Change any of the following, if applicable:
- Start Date
- End Date
- Units
- Amount
- Select the Save button.
Transaction Details Table Fields:
Effective Range - the period the transaction occurred or was posted for.
Units - the Units (hours) involved in the transaction
Amount - the Amount (dollars) involved in the transaction
Type - The type of transaction (e.g. accrual or withdrawal)
Request History Tables:
There are two Request History Tables which may be displayed:
Upcoming Time Off
Past Time Off
Request History Table Fields
Effective Range - the period the transaction occurred or was posted for.
Units - the Units (hours) involved in the transaction
Amount - the Amount (dollars) involved in the transaction
Reason- The reason associated with the request
Status - the status of the Time Off Requests for the Time Off Type
(e.g., Requested, Approved, Cancelled, On Hold, Published. etc.)
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